Assignment 3; Castells, “Power in the Network Society” & Chitty, “Mapping Asian international Communication”

Castells, pg 9; I really liked how Castells described an aspect of human conditioning as quoted here. “And if power relationships are constructed in the human mind through communication processes, as this book will try to demonstrate, these hidden connections may well be the source code of the human condition”. My question to others is; how have others took action against breaking the conditioning that surrounds us all? I don’t think that is possible to live in any society and not be affected by some form of conditioning, at different points in life. I know that by traveling and exposing myself to other cultures of various types as often as possible and immersing myself in non-local environments for long periods has worked to increase my awareness within my own local society and the conditioning’s of that which I observe in others. I also I find it more helpful to read about in print versus watching a TV program is more beneficial because it leaves open more of an opportunity to ponder what is being said, Even though print is very much agenda based often, I feel that it is easier to read through the dictation easier. Also, I find it most beneficial to take time away from social channels and sit and think in silence what has been experienced for the day, at times, this can be in the form of a mediation as well. I think that this encourages more free thought and less agitation from propaganda.

Chity, pg 7 speaks of Taoism. I am mostly unfamiliar with this philosophy. I would be happy to hear if anyone has any good online resources to read up more on this philosophy. Although that is briefly described, it appears to be familiar with the economic thourhg of Austrian Economics and classical liberalism. A well studied and famous philosopher, Austrian School economist, sociologist, and classical liberal Ludwig von Mises, states the following. “All rational action is in the first place individual action. Only the individual thinks. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual acts.” Ludwig von Mises. I’m drawing comparisons between the two, but I can be completely wrong on this.

Castells, the focus on power during this reading was often critical of the state and then describes the relationship of power. For instance on page 12 Habermas states that “the state reveals itself as an instrument of domination instead of representation. Legitimation largely relies on consent elecited by the construction of shared meaning.” These types of views are also shared in the classical liberal philosophies and Austrian Economic school of thought. French philosopher and author of “The Law” Frederick Bastiat states the following; “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of Everyone”. In essence we grant this power, it is a mutual agreement to allow the state to rule. When describing power, it was interesting to read how each thought of its’ meaning. My best understanding exists on a quantum level. I feel that power is both granted and forced. Individuals accept the force as a legitimate power. But force is used to persuade. One dimension of power and force, that I don’t think was mentioned enough or possibly at all, was the infinite power within us all, that can combat an abusive state. I don’t view force as power. I view that as a weakness actually. The power to operate within a society without the use of force is true power. Force will eventually reveal itself as false perceived power and will falter. True power is honesty,  transparent, and infinite. True power is living in abudance, not scared rational that resorts to force. Force to me, and outdated model to give the impression of power. A great book that I read once was actually titled “Power vs Force” and was written by medical Dr. David Hawkins. His work infuses kinseology and attempts to describe developed consciousness. If anyone is interested in knowing more about this book it can be found at Amazon here

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